Оберіть свою мову

Department № 34

Research department for measurement of force, torque and volume of liquid
(department № 34)

The department conducts such types of metrological works:

  • development and maintenance of national measurement standard of Ukraine;
  • conformity assessment, verification and calibration of measuring instruments (MIs) of force, torque force and volume of fluid;
  • development and expertise of regulatory, methodical and technical documentation;
  • development and validation procedures for measurement of force, torque force and volume of fluid;
  • realize and dissemination a practical force scale in the range of up to 15 MN;
  • research and development concerning the force, torque and static volume measurement. 

Conformity assessment and verification of legal MIs:

  • load cells with a capacity up to 1 MN;
  • packaging equipment dispensers and vending machines;
  • crane scales with a load of up to 100 tons;
  • measuring system and dispensers for liquid petroleum and related products, fuel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and reference standards for their verification;
  • measuring systems for the fueling vehicles with a compressed natural gas (CNG), compressed gaseous hydrogen, biogas etc. in mass units and reference standards for their verification;
  • LPG meters mounted on gas carriers with a flow rate of up to 400 l/h.

Calibration of MIs:

  • force standard and force calibration machines;
  • force-measuring systems of the static uniaxial testing machines;
  • hardness testing machines (indirect and direct calibration of force-measuring system);
  • testing machines for Charpy pendulum impact test;
  • force measuring instruments with a capacity up to 15 MN;
  • force transducers of accuracy category 0.02 with a load of up to 200 kN and accuracy category of 0.04 with a load of up to 1 MN;
  • torque measuring instruments from 0.6 N∙m to 2000 N∙m;
  • strain gauges and devices for calibrating strain gauges.

Начальник відділу № 35
КОНТАКТ: +380 44 526-53-98, mob. +380 95 281-64-14
e-mail: s_tsiporenko@ukrcsm.kiev.ua

Віталій ТУГАЙ
Начальник лабораторії № 35-1
КОНТАКТ: +380 44 526-53-98
e-mail: massa35@ukrcsm.kiev.ua

Начальник лабораторії № 35-2
КОНТАКТ: +380 44 526-53-98
e-mail: massa35@meta.ua

Начальник лабораторії № 35-3
КОНТАКТ: +380 44 526-53-98
e-mail: massa35@meta.ua