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SE “UKRMETRTESTSTANDART” as a metrology institute

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Ukraine became a Member State of Metre Convention on August 7, 2018 (previously having been an Associate State of the CGPM since August 19, 2002)


The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine designated SE “UKRMETRTESTSTANDART” as a Scientific Metrology Center


SE “UKRMETRTESTSTANDART” is a Designated Metrology Institute (DI) under the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA)


SE “UKRMETRTESTSTANDART” as DI is designated for the following areas acoustics, ultrasound, and vibration: vibration; for electricity and magnetism: impedance (up to the MHz range), AC voltage (up to the MHz range), AC current, AC power and energy, high voltage and current, phase angle; for length: angle, optical standards, reference materials; for mass and related quantities: density of liquid, refractive index of liquid, force, torque, viscosity, heat flow, hot water flow; for photometry and radiometry: refractive index (spectral), angle of rotation of plane of polarization (spectral), ellipsometric angles (spectral), haze; for metrology in chemistry; for thermometry: humidity.