Department № 15

Research and technical department of Legal Metrology
(department № 15)

The main tasks and functions of the department:
• creating of research and technical, organizational, regulatory and methodological bases to provide the function and improvement of the national metrological service;
• participating in the development of legislative, regulation acts and normative documents in the field of metrology, in particular intergovernmental ones;
• summarizing and coordinating of research and technical activities, performance/support of R & D and R & C works in the field of metrology;
• carrying out works regarding to updating the current provisions, rules and procedures of legal metrology, harmonization with international metrology documents and implementation it into metrological practice;
• collecting and preparing proposals for Government creation and improvement programs of the national measurement infrastructure;
• maintaining information funds (registers) of SE “UKRMETRTESTSTANDART” metrological works.

Head of the department

CONTACT: +380 44 526 31 58