Department № 43

Research and technical department of international cooperation in the sphere of metrology
(department № 43)

 The main tasks and functions of the department:

  • participating in the development of research, regulatory and organizational principles of the National metrology system of Ukraine functioning regarding their harmonization with the provisions of documents of international metrology organizations, standardization, accreditation and EU legislation (AquisCommunautair);
  • monitoring;
  • guidance documents of international metrology organizations;
  • scientific and methodological publications of the world metrology institutions, international conferences, symposia, congresses, seminars, etc.; and system analysis of the international Directives, Guides, Recommendations taking to the attention the scope of our enterprise and developing the proposals how to implement in SE “UKRMETRTESTSTANDART” working process of the state-of-the-art guidance documents which are analyzed;
  • translating and providing the latest scientific, methodical articles to the metrological departments; and preparing reports for our specialists for world scientific meetings by requests;
  • providing the cooperation with the National metrology institutes (NMIs) of other countries, in particular, to organize proficiency training programs for personnel;
  • taking part in the activities of international metrology organizations, conferences, symposia, seminars, congresses on behalf of SE "UKRMETRTESTSTANDART" or on the instructions of Ministry of Economy of Ukraine;
  • popularization of international metrology activities such as articles, information materials, reports. 

Head of the department
CONTACT: +380 44 526 44 65, mob: +380 50 357 43 96